Friday Feels… like it’s time to unlock your creative potential!

It’s pretty safe to say that I’ve been away for a while. But I haven’t been idle, I promise you! In fact, there’s been a pretty good reason for why I haven’t posted recently.

I’ve been working away on an awesome little project! (Well, a bunch of awesome little projects, to be more exact.)

So what exactly am I blithering about? I’m talking about Positive Points – and how I’ve stepped it up a gear.

You may (or may not) know that I am an editor as well as a I writer at Positive Points Editorial Services. I’m a bunch of other things too – ghostwriter (just call me Mrs. Cheesy Romance), book coach, and general bookish person.

So what have I been working on? Well, I’ve been working on something special for newbie writers because, let’s be honest, it’s both exciting and nervewracking being a newbie.

There is *so* much information out there. It sometimes feels like you’re wading through treacle to find what you’re looking for. And to make it even more complicated, everyone works differently. So, what is definitively right for one person is entirely wrong for another.

But maybe you’re ready to embark on an exhilarating journey into the world of storytelling. So I’m introducing “Novice to Novelist: A Beginner’s Guide to the Elements of Fiction.”

What’s it all about?

Use it to dive into the fundamentals of fiction writing and master the basics. Master the Basics. From crafting compelling characters to weaving intricate plots, “Novice to Novelist” equips you with the essential tools and techniques to kickstart your writing adventure with confidence. This 21-page fillable PDF even includes exercises so that you can easily transfer these tips to your own story.

And what’s even better is that it’s free!

Download “Novice to Novelist” today and take the first step towards fulfilling your writing dreams. Embrace your potential and transform from a novice to a novelist!

Get your copy at

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